Benefits of Soft Water for Children and People Having Sensitive Skin


The quality of water in our home is hugely important and very few of us consider the health effects and cost of have poor quality water. We often take for granted the fact that the water we get from the tap is clean, and undiluted by other materials. Whilst in Ireland we generally do have clean drinking water, which is almost perfectly safe to drink, very few of us know exactly what is in the water that we get out of the tap. Unfortunately, many of us live in areas with hard water. Hard water is water that is contains trace elements of minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Rainwater is soft or pure water, but as soon as the water hits the atmosphere it can collect gases and other impurities in the air. Most water in our systems is collected from groundwater hence it is obvious that the water we get in our homes is hard. Whilst these minerals are almost never harmful, they can have costly effects to our family and homes. It can be quite marked, especially among people who are vulnerable or still physically developing.

Benefits of soft water for children

You can rectify the problem of having hard water in your home by buying water filtering system, or water softening system. This has many benefits, but most of all it has benefits for children and adults alike. Children are at a crucial stage in the development, and they will grow more as a child than they ever do as an adult. That’s why it’s crucial that they get the right amount of minerals and vitamins, and they don’t get it from sources they shouldn’t. It is important that children get enough calcium, because it helps their bones, teeth, and general skeleton and muscular structure to develop.

You water can contain other minerals and chemicals such as fluoride and chlorine which can damage healthy teeth and bones. Hard water may also irritate the soft skin of children and adults and may cause serious skin and hair issues with prolonged exposure. That’s why having soft water at your home is important.  Mains water/Council water that is softened does not contain any minerals and is less irritable on children’s sensitive skin

Benefits of soft water for people with sensitive skin

If you have sensitive skin, then you know that it is very easy for you to get outbreaks of either dry skin, or inflamed skin, or whatever malady that you suffer from. It may also be difficult to understand where some of these outbreaks come from- Is it from the detergent you use. Is it something you eat? Or is it something to do with the quality of your water?

If you’re tried changing your daily products or any other methods suggested by your doctors, the cause may be hard water. Hard water may dry out your skin dry or leave rashes or other issues with prolonged use. That’s why it may be worth investing in a water softening solution if you have sensitive skin.

If you’re tried changing your daily products or any other methods suggested by your doctors, the cause may be hard water. Hard water may dry out your skin dry or leave rashes or other issues with prolonged use. That’s why it may be worth investing in a water softening solution if you have sensitive skin.
Water softeners also have many other benefits such as saving in costs, clean bathrooms and floor, increasing the lifetime of appliances and up to a 25% reduction in heating costs. Soft water can also break down existing lime scale within your home bringing your appliances and hot water tank back to normal within weeks.

For more information on how water softeners can benefit your home and family contact EWT now on or call 1850 39 28 37 and ask about our half price GOLD SERIES package offer.

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