Have Softer Water in 10 Steps

This blog is based on the current journey which most of us, as consumers, make while buying a new product and a buying a water softener is no different. This may be useful to see what stage you are at, and with our help, (please ask any questions at the form on the bottom) decide whether this is the solution to your problem.

1. Do I have hard water?

That is a good place to start, there are a few ways you can check this:

  • •  Check your local water authority’s website – by entering your postcode and seeing what the water is like in your area.
  • •  Send us your water in a bottle – with your name and address to EWT – we will conduct a free water analysis.
  • •  Get Hardness Test Kits – which are readily available in tablet form, strips or liquid drops.

2. Get Noticing Signs

During this stage you begin to notice how this hard water is affecting your home. Noticing visual effects usually starts with when you spend extra money on that nice hot water kettle or expensive steam iron and see it gradually clog up and become less efficient. Symptoms such as drastic changes of temperature or pressure in the shower and boiler, appliance breakdowns can all be a by-product of hard water in your area.

3. The Expenditure

This is when, on your weekly shopping, you see that the money which you’re spending on limescale cleaning products keeps recurring over and over again. Similarly, a costly repair to a boiler, appliance, tap or shower head can sometimes drive home the damage which hard water is causing.

Independent research (mentioned in “environment” blog) shows that hard water can increase spending on heating bills by 30%. Use our online cost savings calculator and find out how much a water softener can save you!

4. The Norm

Often, when a person is new to living in a hard water area, they notice the difference in water quality very quickly and realise that this problem needs to be sorted out. However, if you have never known any difference and think water always creates those marks on your shower doors and its normal for a kettle to be full of scale, then often a holiday is when the benefits of soft water gets noticed.

Many of our customers arrive back from their holiday with one thing on their mind, “Get the water softener sorted!!” Often children and adults who suffer with skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis realise the benefits of soft water after a ‘Soft Water Holiday’ and notice that their skin condition calms down and their skin feels a lot better.

5. Hearing about the solution

There are thousands of EWT customers across Ireland and the rest of Europe who have all found the solution to their hard water problems, however there are many more people who have never even heard of a water softener! Once you realise that there is a solution to this problem, we are then here to help!

6. Make The Call

When you have seen the advertisements in the paper, online, TV or Radio we then get to speak to you. It is our job then, to explain how an EWT Water Softener is guaranteed to remove 100% of limescale from your home, where it will go and how it will work.

7. Get Your Softener Installed

One of our engineers will arrive at your property in any of our morning, afternoon, evening and weekend time slots and install the water softener for you. The installation usually takes around 2-3 hours and our engineers are more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

8. Have Your Problem Solved!

Instantly after a water softener is installed, the benefits will be noticeable. Once a kettle is cleaned, it stays clean, same with showers, bathrooms and everywhere else. White chalky marks around the home will begin to disappear and clothes will start to feel softer after washing!

9. Start Saving Today!

When you own a EWT Water Softener, your weekly spend will reduce. Please remember to use our cost savings calculator to see where you start to save! We have lots of Happy Customers who say their unit has paid from itself within months, and others who are treating themselves to a holiday due to simply putting aside the money they used to spend on ‘hard water problems’.

10. Once You’ve Realised the Benefits..Tell your Friends!

Well, why not tell your friends about EWT Water Softeners! Many of our customers have referred many of their friends to get softeners from EWT. And after all, word of mouth is the best way to hear and trust something new which is going to work.

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