7 Ways to Save Your Hair from Hard Water

Hard water is hard because as compared to soft water, it has high calcium and magnesium content. Hard water is not harmful to drink, but it may cause problems for your hair and skin as the minerals in the water create a scaly film. This tends to cause your hair look and feel dry and dull as the film prevents your hair from being moisturised naturally. If you live in a hard water area, this could be particularly disheartening. Here are seven ways to tackle the problem!

1. Vinegar or lemon rinse

Home remedies like using apple cider vinegar or lemon juice to rinse your hair after a hair wash leaves your hair soft and smooth. Mix either a tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar in three cups of water and apply to your hair after shampooing. Massage into the scalp till it is absorbed and let it sit for a couple of minutes and then rinse. Do this only once a week for best effect or the acidity could make your hair drier.

2. Install a shower filter

A shower filter balances the pH factor in the water and removes limescale, chlorine and other chemicals. There are a number of shower water filters that are attached to the shower or which replace the showerhead. Select one that suits your needs. A water filter in the shower head will give you soft water only for bathing but not in your kitchen where you would need to install a water softener too.

3. Wash hair with bottled water

Washing your hair with bottled water could prove to be rather expensive besides leading to a pile up of environmentally unfriendly plastic bottles! At best this could be a temporary solution if you are on a visit to a hard water area.

4. Use water out of a water filter

If you have water filter already installed in your home then you could use this water for washing your hair. If you live in a cold place, this would mean heating water on gas or stove manually which could be time-consuming.

5. Chelating or clarifying shampoo

Clarifying shampoos that also have a chelating agent helps to remove the layer of mineral build-up on the hair. However, chemicals can be harsh on the hair so use one that has natural ingredients.

6. Rainwater

If you live in an area that experiences frequent rain, you could use rainwater to wash your hair as it leaves the hair soft and glossy.

7. Use a water softener

If you want a permanent solution to your hard water woes, then the best way to do so is to install a water softener like the EWT Water Softeners. Water softeners remove calcium, magnesium and a whole lot of metal contaminants from the water. This will not only solve your hair problems, but you could have the added benefit of saving on maintenance of home appliances like washing machine and dishwashers as there will be reduced limescale build-up.

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