How Trihalomethanes Are Produced in Tap Water and Their Health Effects

Chlorine as a disinfectant has been in use for decades in ensuring the safety of drinking water. Chlorine is probably the best choice as it helps to virtually remove all microorganisms that can render water unsafe. However, recent research studies show that chlorine may have negative effects on health particularly when it leads to the formation of trihalomethanes (THMs).

Formation of Trihalomethanes

Trihalomethanes are chemicals that are formed when there is a reaction between the chlorine used to disinfect water and the natural organic matter that is already present in the water. You are already aware that river and lake water contains a lot of organic matter. So, if your water is supplied from these sources, then you would need drinking water filters to ensure your water is free from THMs.

Exposure to Trihalomethanes

The presence of Trihalomethanes could be at high or low concentrations. The levels are determined by the amount of chlorine used in the water, in different seasons of the years and where the supply of water has originated from. Besides drinking water straight out of the tap, THMs are also absorbed through the skin and from inhaling water that has been contaminated with THMs. So you can absorb Trihalomethanes from
•        food as water is used
•        showering and bathing
•        breathing in steam from hot showers or when washing dishes with hot water

Adverse health effects

Tap water is used on a daily basis for drinking, cooking, bathing etc., so the exposure to THMs may be long term if your tap water has been contaminated. Long-term exposure to Trihalomethanes may have an adverse effect on your health. Since most people think that their water supply is safe, they might not realise that the THMs in the tap water are affecting their health till it is too late. Some of the most common health problems related to Trihalomethanes exposure are:

•        risk of certain cancers especially colon and bladder
•        problems in reproduction and development in the foetus, miscarriages
•        damage to liver and kidneys
•        problems of the central nervous system
•        respiratory problems

Safe home supply of water

Boiling drinking water removes THMs, but this could prove to be a laborious process. So, most people use tap aeration, and others use activated carbon filters to ensure tap water is free from THMs. A simpler solution to this problem are the EWT GOLD Series Water Filters. They clean, filter and purify your tap water so that it is not only free of Trihalomethanes but all other contaminants as well.

If you would like to ensure that your home water supply is safe, then you need to have a water filtration system installed, preferably a whole house filtration system. This kind of filtration removes the Trihalomethanes the moment they enter your home supply, so your tap water in the kitchen, bathroom and swimming pool is safe. All your washing, cooking and drinking water supply will be free of THMs, and you will have truly purified water, too.

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