Water Softeners, do not harm septic tank studies

In recognition of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s first-ever Septic Smart Week (Sept. 23-27),EW Technologies (EWT) is highlighting a recent independent study, which found that water softeners—when set with appropriate salt efficiency—do not harm septic systems, but actually help them. The Water Quality Research Foundation commissioned Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University to conduct independent and scientific testing on the issue in 2012. Nearly $100,000 was invested for this 18-month study, which included many site visits and the work of numerous trained professionals. According to its authors, the study demonstrates that “efficiently operated water softeners improve septic tank performance, while the use of very inefficient home softeners may have a negative effect on solids discharge.” This 2012 study, and similar reports, point to the importance of consumers using “demand- initiated regeneration” (DIR) unit softeners to discharge the regenerate into septic fields. DIR units are the most commonly sold devices today, and are very efficiently operated in the amount of salt and water used. To find out more about the study and to seek local water treatment professionals, consumers can visit wqa.org. Dedicated to consumer education and public awareness, the Water Quality Association is a not-for-profit trade group of businesses that provide treatment solutions for safe, clean water throughout the world – in homes, schools, commercial and industrial settings, and more. WQA promotes best practices for superior products and environmental sustainability with the guidance of respected, independent standards. Its labs conduct rigorous testing and certification, and training programs promote professionalism and ethics. Learn more: www.ewtechnologies.ie SepticSmart Week: Efficiently Operated Water Softeners Improve Septic Performance, Independent Study Says

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