Conserving Water Outdoors: How To Cut Down Outside The Home

If your water bill is a little on the higher side, it’s possible that you’ve already considered many different ways to conserve water in the home, such as checking for leaks and switching off the tap as you brush your teeth.
But what you may not yet have considered is that there are also ways you can conserve water outdoors. Read on to learn more about how you can cut down outside the home!

Water the grass earlier in the morning.

Watering your grass early in the morning ensures there’s time for plenty of it to be absorbed by the soil and plants before the sun reaches its higher points and evaporation starts to increase. You’ll find you won’t have to use quite as much water rehydrating it, as it will stay fresh for longer.

Don’t rely on your sprinkler’s automatic settings.

Sprinklers can be unpredictable, and may start to spray your lawn when there’s really no need. If that’s often the case, try switching off the automated features and turn it on and off as required.

Let your grass grow a little longer.

If you don’t feel the need for a perfectly mown lawn, let your grass grow a little longer. Longer grass will help to reduce evaporation and help to conserve water – so you won’t have to water your grass as frequently.

Fit a nozzle on to your garden hose.

Adding a nozzle to your garden hose will result in a more even water distribution and ensure that less water is wasted as it won’t start to flow as soon as you turn on your tap.

Consider more landscaping if you really want to save money.

If your garden is full of grass and weeds that you don’t want to spend the time or money looking after, consider having your garden landscaped. You can still fill it with flowers and pots by planting them in pots or planters.

Choose plants that are ideally suited to your local climate.

Exotic plants that aren’t usually suited to your local climate often need a lot more water. While having a couple is okay, try to make the most of native plants and fill your garden with locally inspired blooms.

Use mulch to keep soil cool.

Mulch is great to use in your garden if you want to use less water. Laying it down will help to keep soil at a cooler temperature, helping to reduce evaporation. As it holds on to water for longer, you won’t need to water it as much.

By following these helpful outdoor tips, you should find yourself using less water outside – and being able to focus more on the amount of water (and of course its quality) inside.

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