Getting Into Shape In 2017? Here is How Water Can Help

If your new year’s resolution for 2017 was to lose weight or get into shape, you’ve probably already switched up your diet, joined a gym and started an exercise routine. They’re all great for your body and health, but you also shouldn’t underestimate the power of water. Read on to see what it can do to help you get into (and stay in) shape.

Water can help you reduce your calorie intake.

Think about the fluids you drink on a regular basis. If this includes fizzy drinks, juice, milk, shakes or alcoholic beverages, take a minute to consider how many calories are in each one. You may not have realised how many calories you’re consuming through the drinks you choose. On the other hand, water has absolutely no calories at all, so by switching to H20, you’re drastically cutting down your calorie intake.
While flavoured or high calorie drinks are fine as part of a balanced diet, water really should be your go to choice for hydration.

It can also help to reduce your appetite.

Sometimes we mistake thirst for hunger, so you’ll likely find that by drinking a glass of water, your ‘appetite’ is significantly reduced. If you’re still hungry, then your body is telling you it needs to eat and you’ll also be more likely to know when you’re full.
By simply being more mindful of your hunger and drinking plenty of water, you’ll likely find yourself wanting to ‘graze’ less and less between meals.

It will increase your energy expenditure while resting.

You probably already know that the human body burns calories even while resting. But on top of that, water can help to increase your body’s resting energy expenditure.
This means more calories are being burnt and you’ll soon notice a boost to your metabolism, with your body working even harder to help you lose weight.

You’ll feel less thirsty – increasing your physical performance.

Of course by drinking more water, you’ll be hydrating your body and feel less thirsty – but this will also provide a boost to your physical performance. It’s a known fact that dehydration can cause feelings of fatigue and slow down your body, so staying hydrate can give you that much needed energy.
As a result, you’ll be able to work out harder and for longer at the gym or during exercise, leading to even better results.

All of the above combined make water a great choice for anyone looking to get into shape – or even just live a healthier lifestyle.

If you’re looking to drink more water and want to improve the quality and taste of your supply, EWT can help. Our filters and softeners can help to turn your supply into a healthier, better tasting choice, so get in touch to learn more!

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