Understanding Limescale (And How to Avoid It)

No matter which appliances or fixtures you use on a daily basis, you’ve probably noticed limescale in your home at one point or another.

But despite the fact that it’s a common occurrence, it’s still an inconvenience than you could surely do without. To do so, you’ll need to understand exactly what limescale is and how you can avoid it.

What is limescale?

Limescale is the chalk-like, white substance that you’ll likely find inside your kettle, pipes, boiler or bathroom suite, such as around your taps. It consists mostly of calcium carbonate and is deposited by water on these surfaces.

It is usually a more common occurrence in areas with a hard water supply as hard water contains higher levels of minerals.
As the minerals build up, so does the appearance of limescale, leaving you with an unsightly residue that can also stain the surrounding area. You may even have spotted small pieces of limescale floating in your tea or coffee after using the kettle!

Can limescale be removed?

If you’re experiencing limescale around your home, there’s no reason to worry. Although an inconvenience, it can certainly be removed.

You can buy pre mixed limescale removers from most grocery or home stores, which can be applied to the affected surface using an old cloth. For inside your kettle – where you may not wish to resort to extra chemicals, you may prefer to use a natural solution consisting of water and household vinegar or lemon juice. Let it soak in the kettle for around an hour before boiling the water and rinsing away the residue.

But wouldn’t it be easier to simply prevent the presence of limescale rather than having to remove it?

How can I prevent limescale?

One of the easiest ways to prevent limescale in your home is to have a water softener installed. As the water in your supply will be softer as it passes through the pipes and taps, there will be less minerals at risk of building up.

EWT Water Specialists offer a variety of water softeners for both commercial and residential premises that could start your path to a life without limescale.

If you’d like to learn more about how installing a water softener could help you fight off limescale, get in touch with EWT Water Specialists today. We’ll be able to tell you exactly how the systems work as well as helping you decide which of our wide range of water softeners would be the best for both your needs and your budget.

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